5 Commercial Video Editing Tips that will Boost Sales
5 Commercial Video Editing Tips that will Boost Sales
While it is easier to create written content to promote your business and its services, since it doesn’t need a lot of heavy equipment, nor does it need a lot of money to create, the best way to grab people’s attention is through videos. The reason why is that video content is one of the most used forms of media, whether for commercial reasons, or social and entertainment reasons. It is one of the best ways to communicate information because they’re both visually and audibly interesting. In this article, we will talk about 5 commercial video editing tips that will boost sales and make sure that viewers will want to watch your videos.
Video content is becoming one of the fastest-growing forms of media that’s used on the internet, with millions of people watching videos every day. So, businesses need to understand how to use video content to promote and sell their products and services. It takes a lot of creativity and ingenuity to create such videos.

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Short And Sweet
It should come as no surprise that viewers will want to watch short videos, thanks to the emergence of social media platforms like Instagram and http://tiktok.com. With these short 1-minute videos, a lot of viewers, nowadays, look for videos that don’t take up their time. So, make sure that when you make your videos, they are short enough for people to want to watch. If you’ve noticed, the “sweet spot” for social media videos is between 1 – 3 minutes long, while for commercial videos it’s between 5 -8 minutes long. Anything longer than that, then your viewers will start to lose interest, but if the content of your video is interesting enough, then your videos can be a little longer. The general rule of thumb is to not create videos any longer than 10 or 15 minutes.
After all, longer videos can be useful sometimes, as they can be used to detail the services and products your business provides or give an insight into the background of the business. But if you want to increase engagement from your viewers, you’ll want to keep your videos short. That way, you’ll be able to attract new viewers, even if they might not become potential customers. So, when you do create videos for your business, try to create videos of various lengths, not only to retain your customers’ attention but to also attract the attention of potential customers, who’ll use your video content as an introduction to your business.
Dynamic Editing – Transitions & Cuts
Try using dynamic transitions and match cuts, to make your videos more interesting. While traditional fade-ins and fade-outs, as well as dissolves and hard cuts, are used everywhere, use modern transition techniques, like combination zooms and match cuts. These combinations are interesting, to say the least, and are used by social media platforms like TikTok and Instagram. That’s why using these techniques in your videos can help to bring in new viewers and increase engagement with your customers.
So, it is important that you keep up with the trends social media platforms use, as well as trends in the professional film industry because editors continue to come up with new techniques and styles every day. By keeping updated with these trends, you’ll be able to keep your video content updated too. What that means is, if a new transition technique is popular, and you’re still only using fades, dissolves and cuts, new viewers will consider your videos to be “old-fashioned” and “outdated”, because they are not as visually striking as the new techniques that they’ve encountered throughout the internet.
Use Your Words
Using text to highlight important facts about your business is one of the most useful things you can do, to make your videos stand out. You can use your company’s logos, slogans, and catchphrases to draw in new viewers, and help them understand your business and what it is used for. It is also very important to remember what fonts you use, as that can help new viewers, and your customers associate with your brand. If you look at big named brands, you’ll find that the fonts they use are specifically designed, to remind their viewers that they’re watching their videos.
That’s why it’s important to be consistent with your text and fonts. Remember which fonts represent your business best, and only use other fonts if necessary. For example, if you’re creating seasonal videos, you can use fonts that represent the season, but if you’re creating brand promotional videos, it is best to use your brand’s font, rather than seasonal ones. It is also a good idea to animate your fonts, in a way that makes sense for your brand as well. If you use standard animations, like typewriter animations, or simple dissolves, it may make your videos look less than professional. Nowadays, text animations are more dynamic and complex, so that the videos they’re used in are more unique to the brand that owns them.
Let The Professionals Do It
If you find it difficult to create your own videos, trust us. We, at Cut Pro Media, keep up with video editing techniques that can help your videos come to life. Not only do we have the professional know-how, but we will guarantee that we can match the videos we make, to your brand’s identity. As professional editors, we can create videos that will not only help viewers identify your brand, but can also create videos that can boost your business’ sales and revenue.
By using the very same techniques we’ve suggested, and by researching and creating our own, we can help your business thrive in the digital world, by creating your video content. So, instead of trying to figure out how to create new transitions or animating your text, trust our professional video editors to do that for you, since they already know how. It is because our video editors have had ample experience, in nearly all fields of film and video editing, that they can create new and exciting effects for your videos, to boost your business and brand.
The Art Of Video Editing
The Art Of Video Editing
If you think video editing is as simple as cutting and pasting together something on a timeline, then you’d be correct. After all, social media videos don’t need too much leg work. All you need to do is film a short clip or two, cut them together, add a filter and some text, and you’re done. But professional video editing, especially for feature films, commercial videos, and corporate videos need so much more. There is an art to video editing, and as a similar article on MusicBed (2021) poetically describes “Editors are surgeons, storytellers, and mad scientists who somehow manage to bring disparate hunks of material to life. They wield a scalpel in one hand, and a butcher’s cleaver in the other”. So, here are a few reasons professional video editors are artists.Cut On Action
When creating a video, especially one that involves movement, like walking down the street, a kiss, a fight, or even someone raising a glass, you should cut on action. What this means is, say, for example, you’re editing a fight scene, you wouldn’t watch the whole thing with a wide shot. It makes it less interesting, and you don’t get the nuanced details of the fight, like blood dripping from a character’s nose. Instead, what you’d do is cut the shots, so you get many different angles of the action to make it more exciting and fast-paced. After all, in a real fight, everything happens in a blur and is too quick to remember, right? The same goes for editing the scene. So, if one of the actors is about to throw a punch, cut from the wide shot to a close-up of his fist connecting with the other person. In another situation, say for example a wedding video and you’re watching the bride and her bouquet toss, you would cut the action, when the bouquet is up in the air, and when it’s caught by one of the guests. By cutting on action, you’re drawing interest and emotion into the scene, and adding pace to the action. It is a good technique that many editors use, especially if the video they’re editing is a fictional story.
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Use Match Cuts
What are match cuts? They’re a transition technique that makes a film move seamlessly from one scene to another. If you’ve watched a film that included a backstory of a character, you’ll see that a particular action the character makes is repeated in both scenes. For example, when the younger character shuts their eyes and opens them again, they’re older, or they’re in a different place. This is what a match cut is. It connects both scenes, not only through the transition but in emotion as well. It gives the audience context for what is about to happen next.
When using match cuts, be careful how you use them. Sometimes they can be obvious, especially if the scenes are in completely different locations, at different times of the day and need different lighting. It can be mistaken for a regular cut rather than a match cut and can ruin the aesthetic you’re going for. That’s why it’s artistic. It creates an emotional attachment that can be felt throughout the film or video. It has given rise to modern transition techniques that combine match cuts with cinematographic effects, like trombone zooms, fast panning and tilting or various tracking shots.
Colour Grading
Other than transitions and cuts, one of the best ways to show off their creative skills, film editors rely on colour grading. What this means is that when they’re given a piece of footage, video editors will play around with the colours of the video. That doesn’t mean they’ll change the colour completely unless that’s what the director and producers want.
When a film is shot, different lighting setups, angles and locations can change from shot to shot, changing the way the shot looks on screen. It is the editor’s job to fix that, so that the scene looks consistent, and not as if it was shot over three days, or as if the director has included reshoots after completing the initial shoot.
For example, if the film crew shot at a beach, at sunset, they only have a few hours to capture what should be a five-minute scene, but they need to capture multiple shots of different angles, so they will have to shoot over three or four days. And because the sun waits for no one, the light from the sun and the artificial light the crew might add will change the way each shot looks from one another. One shot will be brighter than the other, or one shot will be darker.
It is the editor’s responsibility to make sure that each shot matches each other. So, they need to play around with the exposure, the brightness, the contrast, and yes, even the colour of the film, to make it look like it didn’t take the cast and crew three days to shoot. Of course, that’s not to say that perception isn’t involved. If an editor loves the use of saturated colour in their films, then a film can be very bright and colourful, or if the film is part of a more sombre and emotionally charged genre, they can dim the saturation, so only the barest hint of colour can show. Essentially, colour grading is the realm of video editing that a video editor has free reign, with the permission of the director, of course.
It’s Complicated But We Can Handle It
So, with video editing software becoming more accessible and easier to use, thanks to TikTok and social media, and because both PCs and Macs provide free video editing software, you can start to play around with creating your own videos and editing them. But, if you’d like to have something more professional, one that doesn’t look like it’s been made by an amateur, trust a professional who understand the art of editing.
We at Cut Pro Media have professionals who can handle the software and the intricate functions that the general public won’t have access to, because they wouldn’t know where to find it. With backgrounds in filmmaking and video editing, our professionals will know where to look, and what to do, when editing videos. So, you don’t have to do the research, or experiment through trial and error, to get the right look and feel for your videos. Our professionals can do that for you, and more. All they need to know is what you’d like.
MusicBed, (n.d.), Frames Matter: The Art And Craft Of Editing, [Online], Available at: https://musicbed.com/blog/filmmaking/editing/frames-matter-the-art-and-craft-of-editing [Accessed April 22, 2021]
How To Make And Edit Videos For YouTube
How To Make And Edit Videos For YouTube
Creating YouTube videos isn’t as straightforward as you think it is. Even if it is a simple slideshow of images, you still need to have the right voiceovers, background music, and the right stock videos or images, for your YouTube video to really stand out. That’s why you need to do your research before you decide to start shooting. Know your audience and create a video suitable for them. Not only through the footage, you get, but through the video editing too. You’ll need to use the right editing techniques to grab your audience’s attention. In this article, we’ll talk about how to make and edit videos for YouTube.
While anyone and everyone can upload videos to YouTube, it takes a lot of research into creating videos that can go viral. It’s not only in the publicity of the video, or in the channel that’s created it, what makes a video successful, is in the way it is made. If it is eye-catching and innovative, if its topic is interesting, then you’re guaranteed to have a video worth watching. Remember, although YouTube videos can be seen as social media videos, YouTube videos are also a form of filmmaking, which is not only an industry but an artform. So, be sure that your videos are worth watching, both in what you capture and in how you edit them.
Preparation Is Key
Before you even pick up your camera and start shooting, you first need to know what kind of videos you want to make. It isn’t all about “winging it” and hoping for the best. You need to know what kind of topics are viral on YouTube. And you need to understand what kind of editing styles are popular and how to create them. That doesn’t mean you should copy what’s already out there. It means you need to create your own style, with the same or similar techniques that have already been used.
Make sure you know what kind of audience you’re after as well because uploading any video onto YouTube won’t get you the views you need, even if you pay for promotions. You’ll need to make sure your videos will be watched and aren’t just sitting on the platform, waiting for people to come across them. So, before you even start shooting, do your research and see which bandwagon you want to jump onto.
Getting The Footage
Once you’ve done your research, then you can start filming. Of course, whatever style you choose to film in, remember to remain consistent. For example, if your first uploaded video is a vlog with certain characteristics with image pop-us or you’ve used clips of known films or stock footage, keep filming in the same style, until you have established your own audience base. Don’t forget to also have a steady schedule for your videos. Otherwise, your audience will either grow disinterested in your channel or give up trying to watch your latest videos, because you’ve uploaded too many at once.
Of course, once you’ve established your base, you can start creating “anomaly videos”. What this means is you’ve deviated from your original style, to experiment with other forms of filmmaking, like creating artistic b-roll films, or cinematic short films, and even interviews with other influencers, celebrities, or public figures. Remember, it is only once you’ve established your presence on YouTube and on other social media platforms, can you experiment with different styles of filmmaking.
The Edit
Once you’ve picked your topic, and your filming style the hard part comes next: editing. Although the possibilities for a YouTube video are endless, there is always a right way and a wrong way, to edit your videos. What that means is you should make your video edits consistent. Like your filming styles, you need to edit your videos in a similar way to one another.
Of course, that doesn’t mean you should create the same kind of videos as your most successful ones. It means, if you’ve edited your footage into a short film, then you’ll need to continue to create short films. If you’re creating infographic videos, then keep making infographic videos.
Your videos need to be consistent, for your audience to know who you are and what you do. If you create videos that are completely different from one another, for example, you’ve uploaded a cinematic short film last week, don’t upload a vlog this week. Keep creating short films, until you’ve built up an audience base who are familiar with your work. Once you have that base, then you can start experimenting with different video styles.
So, create a template. It can be an intro card or an opening animation, as well as an outro card or closing animation, one that pushes to action new viewers, to subscribe to your channel, or check out your other social media pages. These simple templates ensure that your video continues to promote not only the video itself but your brand as well.
You Don’t Have To Do Everything
If you’ve already done your research, you might’ve noticed a pattern in the way successful channels upload their videos. You’ll notice that many channels upload one or two videos every week, or even every day. As a new content creator, you’ll find this very difficult to do. Why? The editing.
Editing is the most time-consuming part of any video-making process and can take weeks, even months to complete a video, even if it is for social media platforms like YouTube. So, how do the professionals do it? It’s simple, they outsource their videos to professional video editors.
By hiring a video editor, YouTubers, influencers, and content creators can spend their time coming up with new content. They won’t have to worry about their videos, while they’re being edited, because they can be sure their editors know what they’re doing. That’s why successful YouTube channels will always have new content every week, or even every day. It’s because their editing is done by professionals, who work quickly and efficiently.
So, if you want to get the same quality, try working with our professional video editors. We guarantee you’ll get the best quality videos for your YouTube channel, for a fair price. Our video editors can create any kind of video for you, whether it’s a promotion for a business, a feature film, or even a simple vlog, we can guarantee you a speedy delivery, so you can upload those monetized videos, for YouTube, and earn more for the content you make.
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5 Ways To Edit A Wedding Highlight Film
5 Ways To Edit A Wedding Highlight Film
There are more than 5 ways to edit a wedding highlight film, and most of it depends on how you want it to look. It’s the same as planning a wedding itself, you’ll want the theme of the video to reflect the theme of the wedding. So, be sure you know what you want from the video, before creating it.
After all, you could create the video to be a timeline of the day itself, or you can include the love story that led to the wedding. You can even make it look like a blockbuster film, if you wanted, or you could have a reality TV show vibe to your video. No matter what it is, you’ve got many options that can help you make your wedding highlights into a trip down memory lane. So, let’s talk about the top 5 ways you can edit your wedding highlight film.
Follow The Day
One of the most standard forms of storytelling is to put everything in a timeline. Once you do that, you’ll have something to tell, even if it’s a boring tale. It still tells a story, and for your wedding highlights video, it’s no different.
By placing your wedding footage in chronological order, you’ll be able to relive your memories, even the ones you’ve forgotten, because they’re all there right in front of you. It’ll also remind you when certain things happened, and if an argument ensues, you’ll always be able to go back to your wedding video and set things straight, because it’s all right there, on the screen.

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Tell A Story, Not An Event
While ordering your footage in chronological order might seem like the best way to go, remember that sometimes, telling a story is more than just about putting everything on a timeline. Sometimes switching out the order of your footage can be more effective at telling your wedding story.
For example, you can start the video halfway through the ceremony, and then using cinematic techniques, refer to the beginning of the day, to make your wedding highlights video even more dramatic. Remember, telling a story is different from showcasing an event. Telling a story means making the video more meaningful by incorporating themes and transitions that bring out the emotion of the day and what it means for the people involved.
Parallel The Day
One of the best video editing techniques, to tell a story is to parallel a storyline. Think about romantic comedies or cinematic films that explore more than one character’s storyline. A lot of the time, you’ll find parallels in their stories, even if they’re subtle. So, why not incorporate that into your wedding highlights video? It’ll make it all the more interesting.
In the first place, you should have enough footage to create those parallels, since you’ll have videographers following both the bride and groom as they prepare for the day. For example, you could edit the video so that you see the bride putting on her shoes, in the first scene, and add a transition to the next scene, where the groom is also putting on his shoes. Of course, the parallels don’t need to stop there. You can even show parallels during the reception as well, for example, during speeches and memorable dances, like the bride and groom’s first dance, to the bride’s dance with her father. There are many ways you can create parallels in your wedding highlights videos, to tell the story of the day.
Turn It Into A Music Video
Sometimes a long wedding highlights video might not be the way to go. By making the wedding part of a music video makes it all the more unique, just as every wedding itself is unique. Editing the footage to the beat of the music will make it either livelier and more exciting or more emotional and romantic. After all, music is all part of the cinematic experience, and editing a wedding into a music video will ensure that the emotions of the day will come across more.
For example, if the music you choose to pair with the wedding’s footage is a lively and upbeat song, then you’ll find that the footage should be as lively and upbeat as the song. So, you’d use clips of the bride and groom smiling, dancing, having fun, and being joyful. If the song is slow-paced, romantic, and emotional, then the footage you’d use would be just as emotional. You would use footage of family and friends crying, the bride looking at the groom, and vice versa. You’d include footage of the first dance and romantic and poignant moments between the bride and groom, to highlight the romance and emotions of the day.
Add A Narrator
Sometimes adding a narrator can add so much depth to your wedding highlights video. It creates more poignant moments when paired with other clips of footage, as the wedding ceremony is going on. For example, as the officiant is speaking you can add clips of the wedding preparation, or candid moments, throughout the day, to punctuate the words he’s saying.
You can even add these flashback moments when the bride or groom are reciting their vows. By adding a narrator or voiceover to your wedding highlights video, you’re adding more storytelling elements that create more emotion and more meaning for those who watch it.
Too Many Options, Too Little Time
There are many ways to edit a wedding highlight film. It’s not always easy to choose what to add in your own wedding highlights video, especially if you have hours of footage that you’ll need to sift through to get the perfect storytelling montage. So, entrust your wedding highlights video to a professional.
After all, as we’ve said before, just as every wedding is unique, so too will its highlights video be. By letting a professional handle your video, you can’t go wrong. They’ll know what to add, to make your wedding highlights video truly come alive and be the perfect companion to your wedding.
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Best Video Editing Software for Beginners
Best Video Editing Software for Beginners
When you think of professional video editing, you think of editors using video editing software applications like Adobe Premiere Pro, Avid, or Final Cut Pro. For the most part, these applications can be pricey, especially when you’re starting out in the video editing industry. So, what do you do when you’re an absolute beginner? You use whatever software you can get your hands on. They may not be the best, but they’re user-friendly enough so you can get your head around video editing. When you’re confident enough, then you’ll want to use software, the likes of Adobe Premiere Pro and Final Cut Pro. So, here are some of the best video editing software for beginners.
Apple iMovie

Photo Credits – https://www.apple.com/imovie/
For those of you who have an Apple Mac instead of a Windows PC, this video editing software is perfect, if you want to stitch together simple videos. So, if you’re creating a highlights reel of a special occasion, or a compilation of clips you’ll want to upload to social media, Apple iMovie can help.
Its user-friendly interface is perfect for beginners, and you won’t have to worry about the specific details of different clips or frames. All you have to do is upload your footage to the project, cut and paste the clips you want together, and you’re ready to go! Of course, you can still explore the inner workings of your footage, as iMovie also provides the means to add special effects, transitions and filters, but as beginners, you’ll want to stick with the basics. You’ll also find that Apple iMovie works across all Apple devices, as long as they’re connected to the same cloud, so you can start the project on your phone, and finish it on your Mac, if you wanted.

Photo Credits – https://lumen5.com/business-video-maker/
If you’re not familiar with video editing, and you’re tasked with creating video content for your business, then try Lumen5. It’s a very organized tool for those in marketing and is highly recommended amongst business professionals, who’d rather create their own videos than rely on freelancers. Not only with Lumen5 help with editing your footage and stock footage together it’ll help build the storyboard that will showcase your footage to their very best.
It’s an automated AI system that finds the perfect audio-visual effects for your brand. All you have to do is find the right footage and images that it’ll need, to make your brand outstanding. Of course, it’s best to remember that the software is used for social media and marketing videos. So, if you’re creating videos for a company and showcasing them, this is the perfect video editing software for you.

Photo Credits – https://filmora.wondershare.com/filmorapro-video-editor
If you want the freedom of professional video editing, but don’t want the constraints of software like Lumen5 or Apple iMovie, try Filmora. Their portfolio of special effects, transitions, video blending, and color matching will ensure that your videos have that professional look to them. It even features a green screen function, where you can key out your backgrounds and replace them with something more appropriate for your videos.
Filmora has the functions of all the best professional video editing software, but with the ease of a user-friendly interface. So, if you’re trying to move on from the basics, and you want to dip your toe in the professional world, the best video editing software to use would be Filmora.
Movie Maker 10

Photo Credits – https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/p/movie-maker-10-free/9mvfq4lmz6c9
Most of us have owned a Windows PC at one point or another, and one of the default software that’s added to a PC is a Movie Maker. Whether in its old form, or its latest, Movie Maker 10 is the basis of the basics, with simple transitions that you could find anywhere else, like on Microsoft PowerPoint. It also features a simple timeline, so you can’t go wrong when you piece together a very simple video. Think of it as your introduction to video editing. Movie Maker 10 is the best video editing software to start with, even if you’re eager to edit videos like professionals.
Movie Maker 10 is the go-to for all amateur video editors, especially if they don’t know anything about the industry. If you’re looking to piece together a simple video, whether for your friends and family to watch, or as a compilation of clips for YouTube or social media, start off with Movie Maker 10.
What Is The Difference?
When you look at professional video editing, and you want to dive into the industry yourself, you’ll want to try your hand at their video editing software. This is a mistake, especially if you’re a complete beginner. There will be so many different features and aspects of the software, it’s most likely you’ll give up because it’s so complicated. Remember, these video editing software are for professionals, so it’s guaranteed they’ll know what each feature does, and how to manipulate them, to their best advantage.
Always start simple, because then you’ll get a feel for what it means to be a video editor. After all, it’s about piecing together clips of footage and images, to create a cohesive story or a showcase of something or someone. So, when you’re looking for the best video editing software, take into account your own skill, and your exposure to video editing. Work your way up to professional software, like Adobe Premiere Pro. Otherwise, entrust your video editing work to the professionals themselves. After all, they are trained to do the work, so you don’t have to.
It’s What We Do
Here at Cut Pro Media, we are professionals at what we do. Each one of our professionals is familiar with Adobe Premiere Pro and is kept up to date with any changes or improvements that Adobe makes. So, you can be sure of the best quality service and videos for your needs. Whether it’s for a wedding highlights reel, real estate, or an actual feature film, we can handle the work, because we have the experience to do so. We’ve had years to study and experiment with the software, so you don’t need to worry about anything. Whatever it is you want, we can deliver.
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How To Make Your Films and Videos More Cinematic
How To Make Your Films and Videos More Cinematic
How To Make Your Films and Videos More Cinematic?
With the advance in technology, it’s no surprise that nowadays, video content is becoming more cinematic and more visually appealing, but how do you get that look? Surely there are filters and templates you can use? Actually, those templates and filters can only help make your films and videos more cinematic, to a degree.
To get the most out of your videos, you need to focus on two major things: the actual shoot, and the post-production work. If you want to create those cinematic looks, you need to think about the composition of your film, whether you’re overexposing your footage, and if you’re creating enough depth for the cinematic look to work. Here are some tips on how to make your films and videos more cinematic.
Think About The Video Edit
If you want a more cinematic look to your videos, you’ll need to focus on its editing process. While the actual shoot creates the footage you need, it is mostly the edit that makes it look cinematic. What that means is looking at the color grading of your footage, the transitions, the frame sizes, and the special effects, you need to add, to really give your footage the cinematic aesthetic.
When looking at the color grading aspect of your video edit, you need to make sure that they remain consistent. Depending on the genre of your film, you’ll need to color grade your footage, to match it. For example, if you’re going for a fantasy epic, it would be a good idea to increase the saturation and the vibrancy of your footage, to match the magical qualities of your film or video.
You also need to use the right transitions, for your film or video, as they add to the cinematic effect. If you use simple ones or the pre-set templates, your videos won’t look cinematic, rather they’ll look like an amateur video, because of the simplicity of it. To really create the cinematic look, you’ll need to use special effects and use a combination of transitions. So, do your research before you start, to get an idea of how those transitions are made.
In cinema, the frame sizes of a film matter. They differ from country to country, but it is generally known, in the film industry, that the aspect ratio of a film’s frame size is wider than its height. Usually, the aspect ratio ranges from 1:33:1 to 2:35:1. That means, you’ll get the black lines or boxes above and under your frames, and the image would be stretched to fit the aspect ratio. So, when looking at making cinematic videos, you’ll need to take the aspect ratio of your film into consideration.
Finally, if you want to make your films or videos cinematic, you’ll need to look into adding special effects to your film. What that doesn’t mean is adding sparkles and glitter everywhere or creating magic spells and using green screen effects. While for a fantasy or action film, these technologies are important, if your film doesn’t include an epic battle scene, you won’t be needing these extra animations. However, what you do need to look at, is the speed of the action in your films. So, you need to look at slowing down or speeding up your film, at poignant points. For example, if someone is running towards something, and it is an emotional scene, you might want to slow down the action, to really give that sense of longing or excitement.
We shared a few tips about how to edit wedding videos in Adobe Premiere on this blog – https://cutpromedia.com/how-to-edit-wedding-videos-in-adobe-premiere/

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Unlimited Revisions – Whatever changes are needed, send them through and we will Fix them.
Fast Turnaround Time – We are always available to meet the tightest of deadlines when necessary.
Risk-Free Trial – Send your first video editing project to us and if you are not 100% happy with the results we produce, you don’t pay!
Music Is Key
When deciding the music for your cinematic film or video, remember to choose the right kind of music. It’s important to know what sound can do, to enhance the emotion of the scene. If the music is too epic for your film or video, you might want to rethink your choice.
For example, if the video you’re editing is romantic, adding an epic battle soundtrack will be counterproductive and detract from the emotions of the video. Instead, use uplifting music that enhances the romance of the video, or a sultry piano piece, if the actual footage seems to be intimate.
Whatever the type of video you’re editing, always remember that the background music must add to the emotions within, otherwise your audiences will be confused and misunderstand what your film or video is about.
Choose The Right Shot
When choosing the footage to use for your video, remember to choose the right shot. What this means is to use the right angles that add to the emotions in the video. While simple close-ups and wide shots might be good enough, low angled shots and high angled shots can enhance the audience’s perception of a character or a scene. So, when you’re shooting your video or film, remember to take the angles into account.
For example, if you’re shooting someone who’s being bullied, you will want to shoot the victim at a high angle, to make the audience perceive that character as someone with low self-esteem or someone who feels small compared to their bullies.
We Can Do All That And More
While you might think that these tips can help you develop your own cinematic features, remember, video editing can take time and be tedious. You’ll need to do a lot of research and practice before you can be confident in your own editing skills, and it takes years to develop. Having a powerful workstation is also important to process the editing especially if you are working with high-quality footages. Check out the best laptop for wedding video editing in 2021 here. So, why not trust us, here at Cut Pro Media.
Our dedicated and experienced editors already have the know-how to create cinematic videos. So, let them do the heavy lifting. They already know the tricks of the trade, and are always up to date, with the trends that define cinematic videos and films, so you can be sure that their work will be up to standards. We guarantee that our editors will turn your footage into grand cinematic adventures and give you that professional quality, even Hollywood would be envious of.
So, instead of scrounging around for a freelancer, who might over-charge you for a video that is less than your standards, trust Cut Pro Media to find the right editor for you.
Outsource Video Editing: 5 Reasons Why You Should Do It
Outsource Video Editing: 5 Reasons Why You Should Do It
As a videographer, you’ll probably want to go out there and shoot, but one thing is standing in your way. Video editing. It’s tedious and time-consuming. You’re more interested in being on location, in a studio, or on-set, rather than sitting at your desk, piecing together thousands of frames that look like each other. That’s why you should always either know an experienced editor or outsource one. Of course, if you don’t know an experienced editor, it can be tricky to decide which editor to go for. Some video editors might be too inexperienced, while others may demand too much money. That’s why it is a better idea to outsource video editing to a professional video editing company, than asking a freelancer. Here are 5 reasons why.
Less Work, Less Worry
As we all know, video editing is the most time-consuming part of any type of video production, and as a company or videographer, you’ve got many other projects lined up for development. So, why not give your video to an experienced outsourced video editor? It’ll save you time, so you can focus on that next project or pitch. When editing a video, you’re spending at least an entire day to piece together a basic timeline, for your footage.
That’s why projects can take weeks or months to complete. Video editing looks at the minute details of your footage, and because each frame looks the same or similar, you’ll have to decide how best to cut your videos. So, why not entrust that process to someone who already knows what they’re doing? It’ll save you time to work on your next projects, and you won’t have to reshoot or negotiate a reshoot because you’re missing footage. An experienced video editor will know how to make the best video out of the information they’re given.
Get The Most Out Of Your Footage
By having someone else working on your video editing, you’ll be able to relax because they’ll have all the information, they need to edit your video to the standard you want. Experienced video editors will know when to cut your footage, to make them look seamless together. So, for example, if you’ve got two cameras set up at different angles, filming a certain event, they’ll know exactly when to cut the action, so that when they change the angle, your audiences won’t know that the action they’re seeing came from two different cameras, or even notice that the angle had changed.
Make Sure You’re Updated
Even in video editing, there are styles that trend, especially when it comes to social videos, like the ones you see on TikTok or Facebook and YouTube. You’ll want to be on top of those trends, and it’s not easy, especially when you’re working on so many projects. It’s easy to forget that there are trends in video editing styles, so if you’re so focused on the filming aspect, you’ll miss out on the latest edit styles too. That’s why outsourcing an editor will help. They’ll know what the trends are, and if they see fit, they’ll add them to your videos. All you have to do is trust that they know what they’re doing.
It’s Your Quality
An experienced video editor will know how to make your videos the best they can be. What that means is they’ll be able to make a video of the same quality as your previous ones, and better. It doesn’t just mean giving them your footage and saying, “Piece this together,” it means you need to give them the information they need to edit a high-quality video. That way, you won’t be risking your time and money, they’ll know exactly what to do, and you won’t have to sweat the small stuff.
So, before you work with a video editor, make sure you have all the information they need. That means, have a plan ready. Use a storyboard, or a timeline to help your video editor know exactly how to piece your footage together. Not only that, but they can also add in any extra transitions, effects, texts and audio to ensure your video stands out, with your consent of course.
Time Is Money
In video editing, it’s difficult to say how expensive a service costs, because video editing is the most time-consuming part of any video production and the longer a video edit takes, the more money you’ll have to pay. That’s why it is best practice to outsource your video editors. Not only can you be guaranteed an experienced video editor, but you’ll also get the best quality videos they can provide, within the time frame that has been set.
Here at Cut Pro Media, we outsource the best video editors for you and not only that, but the price is also better than you’d probably find with regular freelancers. Starting at just $80, our video editors will provide the best quality for you. Our videos will match your style, and you can get up to 5 minutes of film ready and waiting for you to show the world.
It’s Time To Outsource Your Video Editors
Are you convinced yet? Remember, when you’re looking for outsourced video editing services, don’t just look at the editor’s portfolio, look at their reviews, and see whether they’re easy to work with or not, because if they can’t compromise or communicate, what is the point in searching for freelancers? By entrusting us to do the heavy lifting, in your negotiations, you can be sure your footage, your video’s plan and your information are in safe hands. You won’t have to worry about expenses, because everything is included in the plans that you’ve signed up for.
Not only that, instead of waiting weeks and months for a video edit to be complete, you can expect your videos to be in your hands within days. Can a freelancer do that? So, check out our latest offers and see whether video editing outsourcing is right for you. We’ll ensure that you have the right package for the right video.
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How To Edit Wedding Videos In Adobe Premiere
How To Edit Wedding Videos In Adobe Premiere
If you think that editing a few video clips together is as easy as putting together a PowerPoint presentation, you’d be wrong. Video editing requires more than just piecing all your video footage together. It takes a lot of creativity and vision to create a video that can help you and your guests feel nostalgic, every time you watch the video. You need the right voice-overs, background music, text, and animation and yes, you will need a story or plan to make the video look its best. In this article, we’ll show you how to edit wedding videos on Adobe Premiere.
Re-Watch Yourselves
To first ensure you have everything you need to edit your video, you need to review the footage you already have. That means taking the camera off your videographer, and/or photographer, so you can add in photos too, and watching the hours upon hours of videos they took, as well as combing through the thousands of photographs, to decide which ones show you and your guests at their best angles.
By reviewing your footage, you’ll be able to come up with an idea for the editing style of your video, and that is one of the most important factors in creating a film and/or video. Just like a wedding, every video ever produced should have a theme or a concept behind it. So, let’s look at the films themselves. You’ll know the theme of a film, by its genre. For example, Marvel films are all about superheroes, Star Wars is about deep space and sci-fi themes. The same should be said for your wedding, you’ll want a theme for it, so your guests can feel the quintessential uniqueness to both you and your partner’s identity.
Choose Your Theme
Now, it may be easy to say you already have a theme in mind, and yes, a lot of the time, if your wedding has a unique theme that is easily identifiable, you’ll be able to match your wedding video to it too, but sometimes, a wedding’s theme isn’t all that recognizable. For example, if you have a wedding in the spring and it is all about springtime, you won’t easily be able to identify that the theme of the wedding is all about the spring, because it will look like a typical wedding you’d find on the internet.
Similarly, if you have it in a barn, but it’s made out to be luxurious, you’d probably have a rustic charm, but you wouldn’t want animals as your theme. That’s why a theme is important to your wedding video, it’ll dictate the story of your video.
It’s Your Story
Every wedding has a story, whether it’s about the journey you took together, or just how much in love you are, the different elements of your video must add to the story. That’s why, when you plan for your wedding video, you need to come up with one, that way, when you look back at the video, you and your guests will see a story or a narrative, that tells them just how special that day was, and you’ll strongly feel that sense of nostalgia.
Any time you feel like being nostalgic, watching a wedding video should do that. If the video is edited so that your footage is randomly organized, anyone watching your video will wonder what is going on, and that sense of nostalgia is lost. That’s why it’s important to organize and edit your video so that it highlights the story you want to tell.
Know When To Stop
A good editor will know when to cut a video. What this means is that they can use the right clips from hours of footage. An experienced video editor will know when and where to start the clip and end it. It’s important this is done correctly otherwise you’ll have a stunted video. For example, if you’ve got a bouquet toss filmed from different angles, you’ll want to see it from the catcher’s point of view, as the bride is throwing it, and the bride’s view when someone catches it.
So, you’ll need to cut the footage at the right time to be able to get the entire thing in and have the whole action flow seamlessly. What you don’t want to see is someone’s catching the bouquet, even before it cuts to the angle where you can see them catch it. It’ll look amateurish and you won’t get the high quality you deserve.
Add-In Your Extras
This part of the editing process can be fun, by adding extra animations and transitions, you’re essentially playing around with the aesthetics of the film. After all, you can add funky transitions, add in animations and cartoons to make the video funny or meaningful. You can even add in background music, to enhance whatever emotion you want to highlight in the video. However, what you don’t want to do is inundate your video with so many different additions, it’s unrecognizable.
One of the mistakes amateur video editors make is to add so many different elements to the video, that it becomes more of an abstract showpiece than a nostalgic memory for those who watch it. You’ll end up with something that will probably look like an experimental music video that the magic and the joy that went into the day itself, gets lost amongst the various different elements that were added. So, if have learned how to edit wedding videos and are going to edit your video yourself, moderate what you put in there.
Trust A Professional
In the end, if you’re daunted by editing your wedding video yourself, why not trust a professional to do it. They definitely know how to edit wedding videos in Adobe Premiere and know exactly how to edit a piece to bring it to life. It is through years of experience that they can create something beautiful and memorable. Video editing is not something you can learn in a day. It takes years of experimenting and practice, and if you don’t have that, it’ll be difficult to get a high-quality wedding video.
Wedding Video Editing
Outsource Wedding Video Editing Pricing that is Simple, Easy & Flexible All prices listed below for our outsource wedding video editing are in USD.
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